Friday, January 19, 2007

Ara Kami-sama! When Will It End?!

(1/19/07) To translate that into English, it would be; Oh My God! When Will It End?! It's now day 8 of sheer ice, tonight we are expecting around 6-10 inches of snow, Yay! Not. The only reason I haven't gone insane with chill is because I was out busting my butt running on the ice like a mad person (when no one was looking ;p ). It's cold. I don't like cold.

Well, we've been out of school for a week now. I've been out since Friday. It was amazing, during 3rd hour English, at least 5 kids got checked out of my class in a time span of 7 minutes tops. So, we now have to stay with school an extra 4 days. Not fun! I don't wanna be stuck there till June!

Not much else going on, watching 'Memoirs of a Geisha' on my new portable DVD player I got for Christmas. Come to think of it, where was all this blasted snow at Christmas time?! I swear if that stupid groundhog sees his flippin' shadow...[insert death threat to poor defenceless mammal]

Ugh, it's so cold. It does make you think though, while I'm in here, nice and warm, there's people out there who have to stay outside in it, who don't have family or friends to look out for them and to help them, who refuse help because of arrogance or pride. That's what the care houses are for, but so many of them refuse to go. It's bewildering to me why they can't go and stay at these places where a warm bed and a hot meal can be acquired. I know that they probably fill up fast during weather, but the ones turned away, how do they make it?

After thinking about that, it makes me refer you to go a see a very good movie that illustrates just that, I want you to go and see, ''In Pursuit of Happyness' (spelled that way). It's such a cute movie that really opens your eyes. It'll make you laugh, and smile, and maybe even cry. It's a must see.

Be safe and have a good day,
Miss Dub


MrsDub said...

Dad and I will miss you when we go on our family trip and you're still in school to make up the snow days (he he)! Perhaps you should read a book or do yoga. Everytime you run and slide on the ice, I can just picture a trip to the ER. When you get to be my age, you won't be trying to fall down - you'll be trying to stand up. Love you, good blog.

Dean aka Sgt Dub said...

Good post pumpkin. You really should write more, I see the whole family has a knack for this and yours is coming along fine.