Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dear Solider Responses

(4-17-07) Well, I'm finally getting my blog updated after such a long time. I'm sorry about the wait. As most of you know, either do to my mom or dad's blog, I wrote a letter to a U.S. solider. If you haven't read it, here it is for the whole world to know.

"Dear U.S. Soldier,

My name is ______, and I would like to thank you for all that you have done for our country. I know what your family is going through with you half way around the world, only able to talk to them every few days, sometimes longer. My dad is with the 45th infantry and the 180th infantry from Oregon. This is his second tour to Afghanistan. I really appreciated everything you are doing to help keep this great nation free.

I hope you and your comrades are kept safe. Our prayers are with you and the rest of the troops. I deeply cherish the sacrifice you make on a daily basis to be away from your family, friends, home, and country. I know it's hard, but you seem to always keep strong and never give up. This country may have some people who don't appreciate what you are doing, but know that everything you do is for a good cause. To keep America the land of the free and the home of the brave.

when you troops come home, you help make it the home of the brave. I don't go to at night without praying for you and the others serving with you. I can't wait till you and your comrades can come home to your families! It will be such a joyous reunion.

So, with that said, I thank you again for everything you have done in order to keep this great nation free. You of all people know that freedom is never free. I hope God keeps you safe throughout the rest of your deployment.

God bless you, your comrades, families and everyone else serving to endure and protect freedom.

"Miss Dub"
7th grade
(6th hour keyboarding)"

So, I've read lots of things and comments saying how well I write. I don't try to write well, and I don't really think about it, I just put my thoughts that I tend to keep all to myself on paper. That is how I feel about the United States troops that are defending or have defend and are in future times, going to defend freedom, liberty, justice, & the pursuit of happiness.

I offer all sincere thanks to everyone who supports the troops and most importantly, the troops themselves. If your against the war in the middle east, and you carry around your protest signs, saying that it's wrong and that we should have them stay home, who do you think is providing the freedom of speech that you have to carry that sign?

How much do you value your freedom? Would you bite your master's hand if he gives you the best things that he can offer? I would hope not.

They are defending our country, our freedom, our homes, our families, our jobs, our schools, our friends, our coworkers, everyone. Even those who do not support them. They are doing this to ensure that you have rights that a human deserves!

As you read this, I want you to think about the last time you went up to one of our solider boys and shook his hand, looked him in the eye, and said, "Thank you". When was that? Maybe you haven't ever said thank you to a member of the United States military? I know that it makes them so happy when people do that, random strangers walking the streets will come up to them and even do that. They don't care who! I want to do that for them if you could.

Thank you. I am very proud of our military. I hope you are too. Here are the lyrics to one of my favorite songs, "American Solider" By Toby Keith.

I'm just trying to be a father,
Raise a daughter and a son,
Be a lover to their mother,
Everything to everyone.
Up and at 'em bright and early,
I'm all business in my suit,
Yeah,I'm dressed up for success,
from my head down to my boots.
I don't do it for money
there's bills that I can't pay.
I don't do it for the glory,
I just do it anyway.
Providing for our future's my responsibility,
Yeah I'm real good under pressure,
being all that I can be.

And I can't call in sick on Mondays
when the weekends been too strong,
I just work straight through the holidays,
And sometimes all night long.
You can bet that I stand ready
when the wolf growls at the door,
Hey, I'm solid, hey I'm steady,
hey I'm true down to the core.

And I will always do my duty,
no matter what the price,
I've counted up the cost,
I know the sacrifice.
Oh, and I don't want to die for you,
But if dyin's asked of me,
I'll bear that cross with honor,
'Cause freedom don't come free.

I'm an American soldier, an American,
Beside my brothers and my sisters
I will proudly take a stand,
When liberty's in jeopardy
I will always do what's right,
I'm out here on the front lines,
So you can sleep in peace tonight.
American soldier, I'm an American,

American Soldier,
An American

Till next time,
God Bless America.

~Miss Dub


Anonymous said...

MissDubb, you are quite insightfull and quite articulate! I am a "support junkie" and share your feelings about our soldiers. Keep up the positive input and thanks for sharing your letter with us. I know you can't wait for the day you can give your dad a big hug around the neck,it won't be long now!....

MrsDub said...

Wow Sweetie, I'm so glad you decided to update your post, and I'm very proud of you for writing such a wonderful letter. I know that Major Ellis was happy to receive it, and I know your Daddy was extremely moved by your words. I know it's difficult to express your emotions, and it's hard to explain what you're going through. I hope you decide to post more about deployment from your point-of-view. I'm sure there are a lot of kids out there, who could benefit from your experience and advice. You're growing up so fast, and I hate it that Daddy has missed so much of your life. I was reluctant for Daddy to enlist after you were born, because I didn't want him to be gone too much. BUT, I am very proud of the job he is doing, and the military has helped him in so many ways to be a better man. I'm sorry that you're having to grow up in a world so full of hatred, but remember, there is more Good than Bad! You are our future, and we are counting on you to be strong and take a stand for what you know is right. You're off to a great start, and we love you so very much! Love, Mom

Dean aka Sgt Dub said...

Now, after that, I suppose I'm supposed to be mushy or something. Well, let's just say Halo 3 is coming out soon, and we can kill aliens together again. Now seriously, I am proud of how you are turning out, and very proud of the letter you wrote. You have a bright future in stored for yourself. I love you.

MrsDub said...

You guys can only play Halo3 if you put it on mute!

Miss Dub said...

We'll play it as loud as we please! You said we could do whatever we wanted when he gets home! I can't wait for halo 3!!! *HAPPY DANCE* YAY!

MrsDub said...


Flag Gazer said...

Miss Dub~
That is one of the best letters to any soldier I have ever seen.

Our best writing is ALWAYS when it comes from the heart.